Robin Thicke definitely has one of the hottest videos out right now entitled "Magic" which has eye catch graphics, pretty women, and a phenomenal beat. It seems like just yesterday when Robin Thicke first got started just singing over a Neptune beat saying "I wana love you girl, I wana love you," and now after creating his first album, The Evolution of Robin Thicke he is moving forward to his new album Robin Thicke: Evolving Soul. Check out the Video and voice your own opinion.
Robin Thicke: Evolving Soul, "Magic"
"Messy Jesse and His Foul Remarks."
This month our Koncrete Exclusive goes to "Messy Jesse" also known as Jesse Jackson. In a shocking blast at Barack Obama that was caught on tape, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, "I wanna cut his nuts out." He made the astonishingly vulgar remark as he accused the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of giving moral lectures to African-Americans.
"See, Barack [has] been talking down to black people . . . I wanna cut his nuts off," Jackson said. While saying this Messy Jesse also moved his hands in a cutting motion and all of this was picked up by a live mike before an interview on health care on Fox News was aired off.
Although, Messy Jesse had some cruel things to say about Obama he apologized the next day publicly. Of course Obama accepted his apology and is still moving forward with his campaign and giving moral lectures to African-Americans as he did previously. One thing for sure is that Messy Jesse needs to lay low and stay away from trouble before he creates another mess for somebody to clean up.